今晚来直播间,调剂和二战怎么选,一次给你讲明白! 今天的题目和「独处」相关,25的同学要坚持做题! 「每日一句第038句」 Early research suggests that it may even enhance creativity--although this depends on exactly why a person is withdrawing from society. Several studies link time alone and creativity, but only when people avoided interactions by choice, because of what is known as a “non-fearful” preference for solitude. On the other hand, there was no such link in those who withdrew because of shyness, in which a fear or anxiety prevented them from interacting with others, or because of avoidance, where people disliked social interactions. 思考题: Solitude can be beneficial if__. 第一句: Early research suggests that it may even enhance creativity--although this depends on exactly why a person is withdrawing from society. 参考译文:早期研究表明,独处甚至可以提升创造力——尽管这取决于一个人远离社会的确切原因。 第二句: Several studies link time alone and creativity, but only when people avoided interactions by choice, because of what is known as a “non-fearful” preference for solitude. 参考译文:一些研究将独处时间与创造力联系起来,但只有当人们主动选择避免互动时才存在这种联系,因为所谓的对独处的“非恐惧”偏好。 第三句: On the other hand, there was no such link in those who withdrew because of shyness, in which a fear or anxiety prevented them from interacting with others, or because of avoidance, where people disliked social interactions. 参考译文:另一方面,那些因为害羞(恐惧或焦虑阻止他们与他人互动)或因为回避(人们不喜欢社交互动)而退出社交的人则不存在这种联系。 「答案解析」 Solitude can be beneficial if__. 如果__,独处可能是有益的。 A.we avoid social distractions out of fear (我们出于恐惧而避免社交干扰) B.we withdraw from society due to shyness (我们因为害羞而退出社会) C.we choose to spend time alone willingly (我们心甘情愿地选择独处) D.we prefer to fill our time with assignments (我们倾向于用任务来填满时间) 答案选C。 文本指出,当人们因为“非恐惧”的偏好而自愿选择避免互动时,孤独和创造力之间存在联系。 A选项,文本指出,当人们因为“非恐惧”的偏好选择独处时,孤独可能增强创造力,而不是因为恐惧或焦虑导致的避免社交; B选项,文本明确指出,因羞怯而退出社会的人,并没有发现孤独与创造力之间的联系; D选项,没有提到。 「词汇总结」 research, n. 研究 enhance, v. 增强 creativity, n. 创造力 withdrawing, v. 退出 society, n. 社会 studies, n. 研究(复数) link, v. 关联 interactions, n. 互动 choice, n. 选择 non-fearful, adj. 非恐惧的 preference, n. 偏好 solitude, n. 孤独 shyness, n. 羞怯 anxiety, n. 焦虑 avoidance, n. 回避 「文章背景」 独处是我们都不得不面对的课题。据统计,英美成年人平均三分之一的清醒时间都是独处,而且随着我们日渐衰老,独处的时间将越来越长。因为人类是社群动物,所以过往的历史研究总是得出让我们减少独处的结论。但最近有一些新的研究发现,如果能正确理解独处的奥秘,我们可以掌握独处的力量,提升心理健康,并大大增强创新能力。事实上,我们常常将独处与孤立混淆,强调独自面对自我时的消极方面,比如孤独感、社交隔离、焦虑和被排挤。对于监禁和被动的独处,消极的情绪无疑会对人的健康造成影响,带来长期的心脑血管疾病风险。除了这些极端的“一人处”情形之外,还有一种由个人主动选择的独处,它不要求物理上的隔离,只要心理上能免于他人的期待,形成思想上的自由空间即可。这种独身令人身心放松,即使身处闹市,也能达到内心的平静。所以,当我们谈及独处的好坏时,独处时做什么事并不那么重要,重要的是你如何做以及这么做的原因——你是因为恐惧而埋首,还是为了日有所思,日有所进。 原文标题: How mastering the art of being alone can boost your mental health 掌握独处的艺术可提升心理健康 Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg26134840-400-how-mastering-the-art-of-being-alone-can-boost-your-mental-health/